Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stop Google redirect to local country Google Domain

Many of internet users must have seen that when you type Google.com it redirects to your local google domain.
Generally google.com redirects to local Google country specific domain, depending on the country you are located.

For Example if your are surfing from India.
 Google.com wil redirects you  to google.co.in  

Now you must be wondering does result makes difference? after all google is providing result. Answer is it Yes.
Result is little bit different.



Do you still want to check about suggestions ? Here it is..

Google.com suggestion for "how to"

and google.co.in suggestion for "how to"

Now you may want to always search in google.com :-)

how to stop google to redirects to your local domain.
You don't need any software or any plugin to do this

Well seach result difference will be negligible till when you are searching something on google which is not country dependent, still if you don’t want google.com to redirect then type www.google.com/ncr in your browser address bar – ncr stands for No Country Redirect. You can save the above address as bookmark in your browser to open google.com always

Another way is to let google.com redirect to your country google domain and then click the link at the google page for your country which says Go to Google.com [ as shown in the image above ]

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